If you're anything like me, as a kid, you dreamed in color.
You might have dreamed of a family like you saw on television where everyone laughed around the table.
Dreamed of having endless fun with friends, playing games until the sun went down.
Of going on adventures, exploring magical places, and discovering hidden treasures.
Of being famous with your name in lights and fans cheering for you.
But for many of us, certain things happened in our formative years, and that colorful life we dreamed of was replaced with shades of gray, uncertainy and struggle.
If you’re one of the resilient women in this scenario who's worked tirelessly to overcome your past, I tip my hat to you.

You've been practicing what I call
Embodied Fortitude.
It means you've been hard at work integrating courage, strength, and integrity into your entire being.
It means you've built physical, mental emotional, and spiritual resilience, but are also refining this quality through your daily actions, intimate relationships, and physical presence.
Resilience and fortitude live at the core of who you are. They touch everything in your life and have contributed greatly to what you have accomplished.
It's incredible really.
You are incredible...
...and I wonder, despite all of this, do you still yearn for the color and aliveness you dreamed of as a kid?
The Subtle Signs of a Less Than Colorful Life
Have you ever looked at someone and thought
their life seemed pretty great.
They appeared to have steady work and personal life, and good relationships. They seemed put together and assimilated despite having gone through some sad and/or tragic shit.
Yet, despite all these external successes and the internal self-assurance, they still seemed like something was missing.
You can tell they yearned for more but didn't have the words for it.
This is common for people who've dedicated significant time to healing their traumas and achieved stability, safety and profound self-knowledge.
What happens with these people is that they struggle to translate their stable life into a vibrant fulfilling one.
Here are some subtle signs of a life lacking full color and expression:
Outdated or Conservative Living Sticking to a safe, conservative style of thinking and being because this was needed during your time of healing and transformation but you recognize you've outgrown this and these "rules" don't reflect your true personality or potential for authentic self-expression.
Limited Social Engagement You have a small, close-knit circle and rarely step outside of it to meet new people or attend new social events, which could give you some good social stimulation and open up doors to new experiences.
Avoidance of Healthy Risks You prioritize safety and predictability to the extent that it stifles new and vibrant experiences and opportunities for fulfillment such as starting a new hobby, dating, career change, or travel, out of fear of failure or emotional discomfort.
Routine Without Adventure You stick to a safe, predictable routine without trying new activities or exploring new places, leading to a sense of monotony.
Excelling at Responsibilities But Missing Passions/Hobbies You're killing it at fulfilling your obligations (work, family etc) but don’t engage in any activities that spark real joy, interest or aliveness in you.

The truth is, the richness and color of life comes from the actions we take to fully engage it.
When we lack the knowledge or confidence to get off the bench even the most the most stable and safe life we've created for ourselves can leave us wanting more.
This is the dullness we can't find words for.
It's a lack of true engagement and aliveness.
VIBRANT THING is designed to bridge the gap between stability and vibrance in a way that honors everything you've built along the way and encourages you to step into greater life potential with courage and joy.
You'll be guided step-by-step to uncover what's in the way of full aliveness, intentionally exploring and blocks, (re)discovering passions, taking bold (yet healthy) risks, and expressing your authentic self.
With VIBRANT THING, you'll enter a space to engage with yourself honestly and learn to build self-trust, cultivate confidence, and develop life-long skills to infuse your life with greater vibrance and aliveness.
Imagine a vibrant life where...
You pursue passion projects that bring you joy.
You regularly join social events, making meaningful connections and growing a supportive community of friends.
You're open to dating again or reigniting your marriage or long-term partnership, feeling hopeful and enthusiastic.
You explore new places with confidence and a sense of adventure.
You express your personal style boldly, wearing clothes that reflect who you are.
Your days are filled with direction as you actively engage with life, saying yes to opportunities and creating memorable experiences.
This is the aliveness and engagement you’ve been searching for.
A life rich with color, excitement, and meaning.

Enjoy the playlist that captures the essence of this magical and meaningful program.

A Life Infused with Vibrance
Is Your Birthright
I know this because I had to realize it for myself...
Hi, I'm Michele. Growing up in a small town on the East Coast, my childhood was a mix of wonderful and challenging moments.
Early on, I began experiencing the effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). By the time I reached college, these unresolved issues manifested in ways I didn't fully understand.
Low self-confidence led to constant self-doubt. Co-dependency and enmeshment, especially with my female friends, made me overly reliant on others for my sense of self.
Estrangement from my family resulted in deep loneliness and isolation. I used alcohol to escape my emotions and often found myself in unsafe situations. My romantic relationships were tumultuous, filled with drama and heartache.
I buried myself in work to avoid my personal problems, which led to burnout and exhaustion. My health deteriorated, and I was diagnosed with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, a chronic autoimmune condition.
At 34, driven by physical, emotional, and spiritual exhaustion, I embarked on a deep healing journey. I quit drinking, worked multiple 12-step recovery programs, and attended weekly therapy.
I surrounded myself with people committed to healing. Over the next eight years, I built a better relationship with myself, repaired family bonds, cultivated healthier friendships, and stabilized my physical health. I found a loving, long-term partnership and left my draining job for fulfilling work that aligned with my passions.
Life became safe and stable, and many prayers were answered.
When my partnership ended after six years, I faced a severe Lupus flare. This demanded a new level of self-commitment. I stayed sober, stabilized my health and finances, and found a new home while tending to myself emotionally. Life became stable again, but something still felt off.
I looked around my beautiful home, felt financial ease, and appreciated my improved health and supportive friends, yet a nagging feeling persisted. I realized I was isolating myself, spending too much time watching TV, and keeping busy with work that lacked passion. I wasn't dating or meeting new people, and I avoided taking healthy risks. My life, though stable, lacked the color and vibrance I once dreamed of. It was time to change that.

Here's what I started doing organically:
I began by learning to trust myself and life, reconciling my past and present through forgiveness work.
I sought my own definition of aliveness and started talking to people about it. Through that process I created a vision of what a vibrant life looked like for me.
I identified the blocks that were holding me back from living vibrantly and saw how my safe, predictable routines had become dull and unfulfilling.
To close the gap, I worked on building my capacity to take healthy risks in my personal life.
Whenever I faced disappointment or discomfort from stepping out of my comfort zone, I had practices to hold and trust myself more deeply.
Finally, I made a lifelong commitment to aliveness and vibrance, ensuring that I always speak my truth, remain authentic, follow my desires, and while maintaining stability in my day-to-day life.
This process gave me a zest for life again, turning my stable and safe existence into one rich with color, excitement, and meaning.
Now, VIBRANT THING is here to guide others to rediscover their vibrant selves and embrace the aliveness they deserve.

Michele's program has been deeply transformational for me, to say the least. Each week, I feel like a layer of the onion had been peeled and each week was filled with so much insight, about who I am, what I want, what I need, and what I need to let go of. At the highest level, this program has allowed me to reconnect with my true authentic self and start to build a relationship with this true self. It's a process but I realized that this is so important for having the true, unconditional, abundant loving relationship that I've always wanted. Through this program, I finally realized why I kept attracting relationships that don't serve me - that there is still inner healing and shadow work to be done. Overall, I feel equipped with all of the tools and frameworks I need to build a healthy, deep, intentional relationship with myself and in turn, apply this to the relationship that I truly desire. The 6-week process is iterative and might not always be linear. I intend to go through this process (or parts of the process) a few times to uncover new insights about myself, my relationship patterns, my needs.

"Michele's skilled one-on-one and group coaching had a lasting, transformative effect on me! With my focus on improving self-care and building intimate relationships, Michele helped me detect the pertinent issues at hand and reflected back to me my positive, unique abilities and gave me encouragement and gentle pushes where needed. She created a safe space and encouraged me to dream: to let loose and freely express my visions and desires around dating and relationships. With Michele's guidance, I've learned how to better nurture and fortify myself with an inner strength and positive self-regard, which has consequently allowed me to see my present circumstances in a more grounded, centered and optimistic light.
What group program graduates are saying...
Here's the VIBRANT THING Flow
(the curriculum)

We'll begin our journey setting the container for VIBRANT THING. In the Opening Call, we'll set the stage for your transformative journey towards a vibrant life.
You'll be welcomed into the program and we'll go over housekeeping and share introductions. You'll also meet" our animal and plant allies who will guide and inspire us throughout this journey.​

Visioning Your Vibrant Life
Aliveness is about identifying and embracing what truly makes you feel energized, passionate, and alive. Creating a clear, inspiring vision of what a vibrantly fulfilling and authentically expressive life looks like is the beginning of our journey.
In this lesson, we'll dive into the process of visioning, understanding its importance, and learning how to create a vivid and motivating vision for your vibrant life

Becoming the Peacock​
Assimilating past challenges builds self-trust and confidence to pursue a more vibrant life. Like the peacock, which can digest toxins and remain unharmed, you too can process and transform poison into sources of strength, medicine, and wisdom.
In this lesson, we'll explore self-trust, how it gets damaged by undigested experiences, and embody the peacock's ability to transform difficulties into strength.

Making Space for Expansion​​
Blocks that prevent living vibrantly can be mental, emotional, spiritual, or situational. Identifying. Releasing these blocks does not happen overnight and must be done intentionally with your nervous system and core beliefs in mind.
In this lesson, we'll explore nervous system capacity as it relates to expanding aliveness as well our relationship to our deeper core beliefs.​
Stepping Out Of Your Comfort Zone​
Take bold steps out of your comfort zone to actively engage with life and seize new opportunities for growth and adventure. This module provides a structured five-step process to consciously challenge yourself to experience new levels of excitement and vibrance.
In this lesson, we'll explore how stepping out of your comfort zone can lead to growth and unexpected joy.

Becoming the Hummingbird​
Our final lesson guides you to identify your sources of "nectar" and to establish routines that rejuvenate your spirit daily. By identifying and embracing your life-giving practices, you'll maintain long-term fulfillment and joy, savoring every moment of life.
In this lesson, we'll explore how to create and commit to rituals that ensure sustained vibrance and enthusiasm.

We'll complete our journey by closing the container of VIBRANT THING.
In the Closing Call, we'll lay the foundation for love truth, and conviction on your continued journey toward aliveness and vibrance. We'll also reflect on and celebrate our journey. We'll share insights, express gratitudes, and solidify our devotion to lifelong vibrance.

You'll be supported every step of the way inside
VIBRANT THING with these program components...
(your program bonus)
Flower Essence Blend
A proprietary and magical blend of plant allies to support you with self-trust, shining brightly and pursuing your passions with enthusiasm and joy.
Sunflower: Unique individuality and expression of sun-radiant personality
Columbine: Radiant expression of your unique creativity and individuality and inspired acting and speaking in the world
California Peony: Celebration of life, healthy instinct for pleasure; cultivation of magnetic and charismatic soul forces through integration with the vital forces in the lower chakras
Larch: Self-confidence, creative expression, ability to be spontaneous and take risks
Walnut: making healthy transitions in life, inner strength to follow one’s own path and destiny
There has never been a more important time than now to do this particular work.
Our world is fast-paced and overwhelming.
People are quietly struggling to navigate it.
The pressure to contort, compare, and the expectations placed on us are robbing us of our vital life force.
On a global level, we need more VIBRANT THINGS devoted to aliveness and the vibrance that's always available to us in Life.
VIBRANT THING is an invitation to invest in your evolution and to embody your personal power.
to aid in improving the collective health and safety of all people and....
to build a better world.
The Beta Stage Investment
Flexible payment plans are available. If you're not able to start at this investment I invite you to explore the apothecary or the digital shop for offerings that may be more accessible to you at this time.
Do You Have Questions or Concerns?
I may have answers!
Do I have to finish the course in a certain time period?Yes and no. While this program is designed to be completed over six week (one session per week) it is not a requirement. Once you register for the program you’ll have lifetime access to the Emotional Mastery material so you are free to design your own schedule and go at your own pace if you so choose. All of the videos, digital workbooks and bonuses are yours to keep forever so please take as long as you like to work through the material if you want to.
So, is this course like therapy?No. This is an educational course. While I do have a Psychology Degree and Masters of Education, I am not a licensed mental health professional and I do not provide psychotherapy, counseling, or any other mental health services that would require a license. What I provide in this course is education, training and access to coaching and Q&A videos about dating, relationships, healing and personal growth that all have the potential for substantial learning and life transformation.
I am working with a therapist already. Is it ok to take a course like this?​ABSOLUTELY! And… I would mention it to your therapist. Here are my thoughts. Working with both a therapist and taking a transformational course like this can be a wonderful and complementary experience. In therapy, you get to look at every part of yourself that has shaped you into the person you are. With an online course like Date With Depth, created by a certified coach, you’ll get to look at who you are right now AND who you want to be. Having both a therapist and course like this can support each other as knowing how you came to be where you are will often help you become the person you want to be.
Is this course LGBTQ friendly and inclusive of diverse relationship models?Sure is! As the guide for this program, I’m in a heterosexual coupleship and use personal stories to teach the content inside Date With Depth. The course is not gender specific or oriented toward any specific sexual orientation. I welcome any feedback that will help make this program more inclusive as you go through the program.
What if I need more support? Is this program available with coaching?Yes! Inside the course portal I share more information about how to get private coaching support while taking this course.
Hear From Graduates From
My Previous Group Programs

What: A live group coaching program in beta stage for women, designed to transform a stable and safe life into one that's also vibrant, bold, and fulfilling.
Who: Women ready to achieve a synergy between stability + self-awareness and bold + vibrant living.
How Long: 7 weeks
What Dates/Times:
July 22 (Sun enters Leo)
July 29
August 5
August 12 (First Quarter Moon)
August 19 (Full Moon)
August 26 (Last Quarter Moon)
September 2 (New Moon)
All calls are 4:30pm-6:30pm PST
One-time payment: $444
Two monthly payments: $222
Three monthly payments: $148
What's Included:
Opening Call
5 Teaching Calls: Weekly lessons with practices and experiential integration assignments
Closing Call
VIBRANT THING Flower Essence Blend: A custom blend to support your journey.
A relaxed and no-obligation digital space to share your progress and access replays and resources
(Re)Defining Aliveness: Visioning Your Vibrant Life
The Art of Self-Trust: Becoming the Peacock
Blocks to Vibrance: Making Space for Expansion
Engaging Life: Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone
Sustaining Aliveness: Becoming the Hummingbird
Why Now: In a fast-moving, overwhelming world, reclaiming your aliveness is essential for personal fulfillment and contributing to a better, more compassionate, and vibrant world.
Applications Are Currently Closed
About Michele Wellington
Michele is a Personal Coach + Flower Essence Practitioner devoted to serving the energies of Truth, Aliveness, and Power.
Beyond these titles is a seeker and deep practitioner of Life.
Michele discovered, through years of personal experience, that much of the emotional struggle we face is rooted in a lack of knowledge of how to connect with wounded parts of ourselves and guidance on how to bring those fragmented parts into alignment and wholeness.
From this realization, Michele birthed Integration Arts, a non-linear framework and pathway for survivors of childhood wounding to reunite with their personal power and use that power toward life fulfillment and building a better world. Integration Arts is supported by flower essences.
After a significant personal loss and during an extended season of grief, Michele turned to flower essences for guidance and support. It was during this time she fully opened to the world of the subtle, discovered she had a unique relationship with flowers and saw how attuning to the vibrational qualities of plants could support healing and integration work.
Michele brings precision, raw truth, and immense love to those she works with. She’ll have your back in awakening more than perhaps anyone you'll ever meet in a lifetime. It’s her calling to bring this transformative work to others so they can experience the lasting changes she and so many others before her have.