Sweet Release Trilogy Blend
Sweet Release Prayer:
May I realize the full range of my emotions.
Help me let go of all that no longer serves me.
May I taste the sweetness of surrender and letting go.
And so it is.
Plant Allies:
Bleeding Heart: A powerful heart cleanser for the broken-hearted. Learn the necessary lessons of love and freedom. Strengthen your capacity to love based on your ability to honor and nourish yourself.
Yerba Santa: Make contact with unclaimed grief and internalized sadness that’s gotten trapped in the chest area. Restore the temple space of the heart. Learn to re-experience the world with renewed emotional presence.
Angelica: Attune with spiritual beings who guide and protect during threshold experiences
Ingredients: filtered spring water, brandy (preservative)*, infusion of Dicentra formosa, Eriodictyon californicum and Angelica archangelica flowers
*Alcohol-free preservative options are available
Additional Information: The plants selected for this Trilogy Blend were chosen intentionally for their synergistic and healing effects. All Trilogy Blends are bottled by hand by Michele Wellington.
Disclaimer: Results vary and are not guaranteed. Flower essences are not a replacement for medical care or treatment or a substitute for professional psychological counseling. Please consult your health provider(s) if you feel ill or unwell. This information is intended for educational purposes.
Interested in support and holding while working with this essence or having a custom flower essence blended just for you? Apply to work with Michele in EMBARK.