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Spiritual Gold with California Poppy
  • Spiritual Gold with California Poppy

    Locate a source of warmth and light within.


    Indications: For those who often succumb to escapist tendencies or emotional bypassing.For those who are attracted to spiritual glamor or enticing psychic experiences outside themselves. 


    Intentions: Sit quietly and safely in the discomfort of your world both individually and collectively. Find the thing you seek outside yourself within. Cultivate radiant heart-centered spirituality. Trust yourself and listen to your heart.


    Ingredients: filtered spring water,  brandy (preservative)*, infusion of Lathyrus latifolius flowers


    *If you prefer a flower remedy with no alcohol please select that option at checkout.


    Additional Information: Michele Wellington made the Mother Remedy for this flower essence by hand on July 25, 2023, in Nevada City, California.


    Disclaimer: Results vary and are not guaranteed. Flower essences are not a replacement for medical care or treatment or a substitute for professional psychological counseling. Please consult your health provider(s) if you feel ill or unwell. This information is intended for educational purposes.


    Interested in having a custom flower essence blended just for you? Go here.


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